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Our Mission Statement:

​“Inspiring our students with a lifelong learning of Islam according to the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (as), nurturing piety, and preparing them to strengthen our communities.”


Principal's Message

As the Principal of Sharikatul Hussain Saturday Workshop, I am proud to announce that our organisation has been running successfully since 1996 Alhamdulliah. It is through the hard work and dedication of all our staff, students and parents that we have achieved such success.


We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for our students to learn and grow in Jafari based knowledge and practice. We strive to instill in our students the values and morals of our faith and to help them become successful and productive members of society.


We thank Allah (swt) snd the Ahlulbayt (as) for the support and guidance that has been provided to us over the years. 


This workshop is only as successful as its support therefore please recite a Surah al Fateha to remember all those who gave so much to the workshop but are sadly no longer with us. Al-Fateha.


The progression of Sharikatul Hussain has been immense seen it was established in September 1996.  It has grown into one of the most independent and thriving organisations, having a great impact on our community.

Sister Sukaina Fazal founded it on request by a few parents; she was helped by Brother Hussein Fazal.  The Saturday classes were held initially at a small flat on Gipsy Lane with just five students.  As the number of students grew, the classes were moved to Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre and around early 1999 Sister Meimuna Walji joined the workshop.  Following this, the workshop grew to nearly 70 students with a devoted and committed team of teachers.  The Stanmore Sunday Madressa syllabus was adopted, and Sharikatul Hussain established the teaching of Tareekh, Fiqh, Akhlaq and Quran.


As the workshop continued to thrive, we were approached by Leicester Jamaat to move the workshop to Husseini Mosque at Loughbrough Road but by 2005, the workshop had grown to over a 100 students and moved in April to occupy a larger premises at Catherine Junior School with the help of Leicester complimentary schools trust.  By around 2010, the teaching of GCSE Islamic Studies was introduced and implemented.


In November 2011, Catherine Junior school were expanding their school premises to accommodate more under privileged children and therefore the Workshop had to once again search for newer premises. Sadly, Sharikatul Hussain also lost the services of Sister Meimuna Walji.


After a most difficult and trying period of searching, Sharikatul Hussain Saturday Workshop finally relocated to its current venue on the 21st April 2012 at the Beaumont Leys Secondary School Leicester. Alhamdullilah the school has better facilities than all   its predecessors. There are 16 classrooms in total with smart board facilities in every class. There are separate prayer facilities for boys and girls as well as an ample parking space, not forgetting the vast grounds for playing football as well as the use of the sports hall.  Following several requests from parents, the Workshop now also has its own mini bus service as well.


2018 brought about the next biggest change to the workshop, at this point we had over forty staff and 150 students. The adoption of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) Tarbiyah Syllabus of which the core theme of the Tarbiyah Curriculum covers Aqaid, Fiqh, Tareekh, Akhlaq and Qur’an using a unique and integrated approach. The aim of the Tarbiyah Curriculum is to provide an effective learner- centred platform that always keeps the learner’s needs at the fore front and inspires children to adopt and adhere to an Islamic lifestyle following the footsteps of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S).


In 2020 the Workshop children benefitted from a tailored amazing Qur’an Syllabus from ability based to classroom and age based and this has vastly improved the learning of Qur’an amongst the children. Alongside this 2020 was the biggest change for the workshop with the move to iPad and digital learning just before the pandemic struck. Over the next two years the workshop was completely digital and children benefited from devices and were able to continue their learning, despite the pandemic.


In 2022 the workshop moved to the Digital Tarbiyah Syllabus (Curriculum), proposed by the MCE. This digital learning has utilised the staff iPads more than ever. Together with the Tarbiyah Curriculum, the Saturday workshop will also include the teaching of extra Fiqh lessons to enhance the children’s’ learning. This has been, because of feedback from our staff with a need for greater emphasis on daily Fiqh laws for our children’s’ betterment. The great change to date has been the adjusting of our academic calendar which traditionally ran from January- December but in 2022 the calendar was adjusted to seamlessly work alongside the mainstream school. The workshop’s academic year is now from September- July. Today this Saturday workshop is still excelling, taking pride in having over fifty staff, and over two hundred children.



Our volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the students of the workshop are given the best possible opportunities and experiences. Here are the names of some of the team you may wish to liaise with.

Sukaina Fazal


Sh. Yusufali Dhirani




Sidika Raza


Sh. Aliabbas Malik




Hasnain Karim


Hussein Fazal




Mustafa Walji




Zahra Fazal


© 2023 Sharikatul Hussain Saturday Workshop

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